Thursday 5 February 2009

Daily Dose - Wednesday 3rd Week

Woo!!! This snow is mental. You are probably planning on spending the day in University Parks building snowmen and having snowball fights, but in case you get a bit cold/wet/tired, here is a list of alternatives for you.

10am to 5pm The Body of Others - exhibition of performances and actions by Guatemalan artist Regina José Galindo. Sounds pretty intense, representing the imbalances of power in her country (sexism, relationship with the States, violence, etc.) Held at Modern Art Oxford. Free.

10am to 5pm Encounters - exhibition of sculputres and installations by Raphaël Zarka. The overlapping themes include scateboarding, landscapes and public space. Held at Modern Art Oxford. Free

Earth from the Air - exhibition of 120 double-bed sized photos by Yann Arthus-Bertan of many different beautiful things our planet boasts. Celebrating the Earth's beauty, so to say (as well as raising awareness of the impact we're having on it...) Held at the Oxford Castle

7.30pm - Art by Yasmin Reza - BT. £5/£4 student

8.00pm - Poetry Workshop with Oxford University Poetry Society - The Mitre

9.30pm - Mankind - BT - £5/£4 student

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