Sunday 8 February 2009

Daily Dose - Sunday 4th Week

Thanks to all of you who came to yesterday's poetry reading with Etcetra - was pretty good wasn't it? If your Sunday isn't already booked up with various happenings, here are some suggestions (for some reason creative writing seems to be the overriding theme today)

12am to 5pm The Body of Others - exhibition of performances and actions by Guatemalan artist Regina José Galindo. Sounds pretty intense, representing the imbalances of power in her country (sexism, relationship with the States, violence, etc.) Held at Modern Art Oxford. Free.

12pm to 5pm Encounters - exhibition of sculputres and installations by Raphaël Zarka. The overlapping themes include scateboarding, landscapes and public space. Held at Modern Art Oxford. Free

2pm - Creative student writing group with the Failed Novelists Society - Teddy hall Welfare room

2pm to 5pmp Hark the Herald Angels Sing! - X-mas-themed 16th-17th century Old Master Drawings (including Tititan & Corregio) at the Christ Church Art Gallery, £2. Bit off-season if you ask us, but there you go.

5pm Professional classical piano, violin and a vocal interlude thrown in for a good measure. Wolfson College Hall, donations go to AMREF charity

7.30pm Nell Bryden - a New-Yorm born singer and songwriter 'whose graceful blend of blues, country / modern Dixie and jazz has made waves on both sides of the Atlantic' apparantly. £8, at the O2 Academy

8.00pm - The Inklings - Creative writing group, come and read out your stuff or just listen - Old Law Library, Magdalen

8.30pm Sunday Roast - the Cellar Bar's weekly night of tea, live music, cakes and sometimes even twister and other delights £4

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