Friday 20 February 2009

Daily Dose - Friday 5th Week

Bonjour! Remember tomorrow afternoon is the drawing workshop so start sharpening your pencils. Til then:

7.00pm - Don Carlos by Friedrich von Schiller - Oxford Playhouse - £13.50/£8.50 concession

7.30pm - Serving it Up by David Eldridge - BT - £5/£4 concession. Gritty.

7.30pm - Knuckle by David Hare - Moser Theatre, Wadham - £8/£5 concession. 'Humanity's a nasty racket to be in'.

OU Poetry Society Translation Workshop (more details to follow)

8.00pm - The Nominees - Jericho Tavern - £5. Oxford Brooke's top indie band. Check them out at

9.30pm - 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane - BT - Mental biniz - £5/£4 concession

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