Wednesday 12 November 2008

Daily Dose - Wednesday 5th Week

Remember, remember the 13th November. i.e. TOMORROW:



4pm (also at 6.30pm, 8.50pm) - Let's Talk about the Rain
French film about ambition, guilt, relationships, politics and a few other deep things (showing at Phoenix Picturehouse, tickets ~£7)

5:30-6:30 'Family Reflections in Poetry' - Poetry readings and workshop - Central Library, Westgate Centre - £3

7pm - Soilwork, Zimmers Hole, One. £12.50. Carling Academy. Swedish death-metal heroes.

7-9pm - Screenwriting course led by The Oxford Editors - Oxford Union - Call 01865 358727

7.30pm - Load.Click.Shoot, Cassettes. The Wheatsheaf. Indie power-pop.

7.30pm - Don Juan in Soho by Patrick Marber - OFS (£9/£7)
From the writer of Closer. Marber’s modern take on Moliere’s classic tale of the lothario Don Juan is both scintillatingly sexy and sensationalist.

9.30pm - Through the Leaves by Franz Xaver Kroetz - BT - Stark depiction of the imbalance of the sexes. 'It sticks like a splinter in the mind.' (New York Times)

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