Thursday 6 November 2008

Daily Dose - Thursday 4th Week

2.30pm - A Few Good Men by Aaron Sorkin - Oxford Playhouse (£13.50/£8.50 concessions) The big student Playhouse production of term, by the creator of the award-winning West Wing series and Oscar nominated film Charlie Wilson’s War. A storm of deception, honour and courage in a court martial where the US Marine Corps itself is on trial.

7.30pm - Endgame by Samuel Beckett - Keble O'Reilly (£8/£6)
Nothing but here, nothing but today. In a room where crying means living, and there is nothing funnier than unhappiness, man is outplayed. ENDGAME. Checkmate?

7.30pm - A Few Good Men by Aaron Sorkin - Oxford Playhouse (£13.50/£8.50 concessions) The big student Playhouse production of term, by the creator of the award-winning West Wing series and Oscar nominated film Charlie Wilson’s War. A storm of deception, honour and courage in a court martial where the US Marine Corps itself is on trial.

7.30pm Richard III by William Shakespeare - OFS (£9/£7)
Shakespeare’s most notorious villain in a new student production with a supernatural twist.

7.30pm - The Debt – Polish cinematographic treat about two businessmen getting tangled up in the Polish gangster underworld; based on real events (presented by International Cinema Club in Lecture Room 2, Thom Building, Engineering Department. Sign up to become a member any Thursday 7-7.30pm. £7.50 per term or £15 per annum)

8.00-9.30pm - Poetry Reading by Todd Swift - Famous poet at Teddy Hall (Old Dining Hall) - £3 entry (includes wine) - Poetry and alcohol, the stuff of life.

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