Tuesday 4 November 2008

Daily Dose - Tuesday 4th Week

The time has come: Oxford Comma unleashes its first event on the unsuspecting unwashed...

THE NEW POETRY? 8pm, Keble Pusey Room

Come and hear Tom Chivers and James Wilkes give readings of their poetry and answer your questions on writing, publishing and the new vanguard of British poetry dubbed 'Generation Txt'.
They're young, they're fun - COME!

Sign up on our Facebook event for cheap entry: http://www.facebook.com/inbox/?ref=mb#/event.php?eid=32911036294

Just in case this doesn't tickle your fancy, here's some more that's on today:

7.30pm Endgame by Samuel Beckett - Keble O'Reilly (£8/£6). Psycho, twisted, disturbing Beckett - a classic.

7.30pm Richard III by William Shakespeare - OFS (£9/£7). Go and see Chedburn's latest opus. He'll be brilliant and the play has a supernatural twist apparently.

7.30pm Accidental Death of an Anarchist - BT (£5/£4). Wit, farce and a vivid caricature of authoritarianism.

7.30pm The Mighty Boosh - New Theatre (£25). I saw Howard Moon in the pub last night - he looked old.

Trinity Life Drawing should be today at 7pm but it's oversubscribed so if you want to book yourself in for a later week, e-mail Cicely Hadman at Trinity.

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