Thursday 20 November 2008

Daily Dose - Thursday 6th Week

My my, those Cuppers dramatists are relentless...

Cupper Drama at the BT!

11.00am - The Play Within the Play (Merton)

11.45am - Oleanna (St Hugh's)

12.30pm - Brief Encounter (Exeter)

2.15pm - Cluster (Wadham)

3.00pm - Pool (no water) (Worcester)

4.30pm - Pool (no water) (St John's)

5.15pm - Free to Fall (Keble)

7.00pm - Otherwised Engaged (Univ)

8.30pm - Harry Potter & the Ridiculous Runthrough (Wadham)


2.30pm An Ideal Husband Oxford Playhouse, £14.50-£26 Sir Peter Hall’s highly acclaimed West End and Broadway production of Oscar Wilde’s famous comedy makes a much anticipated return to the stage.

5.15pm Getting Into Film & TV Careers, Centenary Room, OU Careers Service, 56 Banbury Road. FREE Run by the Careers Service, three speakers booked, two relatively recent entrants to the industry and one with many years experience in TV and Film.

7.30pm Rockin' on Heaven's Door, New Theatre £16-£18. Hear a live tour through rock 'n' roll history

7.30pm The Hairdresser's Husband - French (1990) film about a little boy who falls in love with a hairdresser, develops an unhealthy obsession about cutting his hair and grows up to be an interesting man with very original notion of love... Nominated for BAFTA film award (presented by International Cinema Club in Lecture Room 2, Thom Building, Engineering Department. Sign up to become a member any Thursday 7-7.30pm. £7.50 per term or £15 per annum)

7.30pm An Ideal Husband Oxford Playhouse, £14.50-£26 Sir Peter Hall’s highly acclaimed West End and Broadway production of Oscar Wilde’s famous comedy makes a much anticipated return to the stage.

7.30pm Romeo and Juliet O'Reilly Theatre, £7.50 (£5.50/£5 Keble students) Shakespeare's classic is given a novel twist in a promenade performance. Not quite as novel as Baz Lurhman though.

7.30pm The Academy - The Musical! OFS Studio £9 (£7) New musical comeby by Rhys Jones, Rob Hemmens & the Cast. Amy enrolls in The Academy, which teaches the Science of Acting to wannabe-thespians, only to find it is more than it seems... An all singing, all dancing, totally ridiculous scientific extravaganza!

7.30pm The Pirates of Penzance Magdalen Auditorium, £7 (£4) Gilbert and Sullivan's swashbuckling romp of a musical.

8.00 - 9.30pm - Open Mic Poetry hosted by OU Poetry Society. Free for members, £3 otherwise - admission includes wine.

8.00pm A Dinner EngagementMoser Theatre, £7 (£5) by Lennox Berkeley & Paul Dehn. Sparkling new production of a great comic opera, packed with bittersweet melodies and outrageous characters. Stars some of the most talented singers in Oxford and is sure to delight and enchant.

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