Tuesday 11 November 2008

Daily Dose - Tuesday 5th Week

The paper for our Put it on Paper competition arrives in your pidge today! Get scribbling - the deadline for entries is in a week or so.

And in case you've forgotten - COUNTDOWN TO DONAL COONAN/GHETTO-BLASTERS - 2 DAYS! Coonan is a serious hoot so don't miss out on him.

What's on today:

12.30pm - (also 3pm, 5.30pm) - Let's Talk about the Rain - French film about ambition, guilt, relationships, politics and a few other deep things (showing at Phoenix Picturehouse, tickets ~£7)

7pm - Less Than Jake, Pepper, Beat Union, Imperial Leisure. Carling Academy. £14. Ska-punk and reggae - one Comma Club Comma-ttee member went to school with Less Than Jake and was suitably impressed...

7.30pm - Don Juan in Soho by Patrick Marber - OFS (£9/£7) From the writer of Closer. Marber’s modern take on Moliere’s classic tale of the lothario Don Juan is both scintillatingly sexy and sensationalist.

7.30pm - Liebelei at the BT. Set in Vienna, the heart of a dying empire and birthplace of psychoanalysis. Fritz and Theodore are handsome young officers and gentlemen who seduce Fraulein Christine by their flirtations. £4

8pm - The Howard Peacock Quintet from The Oxford Jazz Club. FREE. Bullingdon Arms. Live Jazz plus Dj's later.

9.30pm Through the Leaves by Franz Xaver Kroetz - BT. Stark depiction of the imbalance of the sexes. 'It sticks like a splinter in the mind.' (New York Times) £4.

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