Tuesday 13 January 2009

The eagerly awaited TERMCARD for HT '09...

HELLO. Hope everyone's had a lovely christmas. We've sorted out a termcard so you can see what's going on this term. If you want a termcard, go along to Never Say Never's Marmite Nite at Baby Love Bar on Thursday of 1st week.

Thursday of 1st week / 22nd Jan.
COMMA launch at Marmite Nite
Baby Love Bar / 9pm - 3am

Saturday of 1st Week / 24th Jan.
WORKSHOP: Weaving, Origami, and Tassel Making
FREE / Corner Club, Turl Street / 5pm - 7pm

Saturday of 3rd week / 7th Feb.
POETRY AND STORY READING: Comma in association with Etcetera.
/ Corner Club, Turl Street / 5pm - 7pm

Saturday of 5th week / 21st Feb.
WORKSHOP: Drawing with Laurence Wolff
£3 / Corner Club, Turl Street / 5pm - 7pm

Tuesday of 6th week / 24th Feb.
TALK: Nick Elliott (Co-founder of the South Bank Show)
£3 / Corner Club, Turl Street / 6pm - 7.30pm

Monday of 7th week / 2nd March.
Deadline for PostcARTe Competition
New College Porters' Lodge / 6pm

Saturday of 7th week / 7th March.
EXHIBITION: PostcARTe competition. Judged by Peter Laverack, international art dealer.
Corner Club, Turl Street / 5pm - 7pm

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