Tuesday 3 March 2009

Wednesday 8th Week

Set sail my pretties, the Ocean is waiting...

7.30pm - Billy Ocean - New Theatre - £26.50. You know who he is already. Because you have brought more of his records than any other black artist. Ever.

7.30pm - Buried Child by Sam Shepard - BT - A cast-list featuring the cream of Oxford student thesps, it's the story of the American Dream gone twistedly wrong. - £5/£4

7.30pm - A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess - Keble O'Reilly - Real horrorshow. - £7.50/£5.50 concession

7.30pm - The Recruiting Officer by George Farquhar - Oxford Playhouse - What a romp.

8.00pm - Hammer & Tongue - Baby Simple (Cowley Road) - £5 (or £4 if you're a "slammer" - your guess is as good as ours). You thought you knew gigs? Think again. This is 'intelligent political hip-hop-cultured spoken word' ... at its finest.

8.00pm - Poetry Workshop with Oxford University Poetry Society - The Mitre

1 comment:

  1. slammer = someone performing slam poetry...... clearly :p
