Tuesday 14 October 2008

Daily Dose - Wednesday 1st Week

5:30 pm : Ruskin Life Drawing

6:30 pm : Modern Art Oxford Private View-
Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller, 'The House of Books Has No Windows'
Tour by curator Emily Smith.
Nibbles and drinks...

RSVP required: 01895 813826

7:30 pm : F*ck Andrew Lloyd Webber -
Improv musical at the Cellar. Audience participation at your peril. £5

7:30 pm : Agamemnon -
Much feted Greek play with surtitles for the Classically undereducated. Oxford Playhouse, £8.50

7:30 pm : The Masked Canterbury Tales -
According to the blurb this is a 'pacey and joyous romp' through the tales in under an hour. Reading English? Toss Chaucer in the Cherwell and pop round to the OFS. OFS, Students £7

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